you get to the campground, the rangers give you a map of the trails. Plus, there
are signs at the trailheads with maps of the area trails. However, there is one
trail that isn’t marked on all these maps. In asking the “old-timers” (the
people that have come for years) and even asking the rangers, no one seems to
know about this trail. And I think it’s the best view in the park!
A guy
stopped me one time and asked me if I knew where Haystack Trail and Haystack
Rock was located. I had never heard of it. But on a map posted near the
campground bathrooms, it was listed. This map can’t be found anywhere else but the
map is rumored to be occasionally for sale at the campstore every few years. It
took some scrambling in the wrong turns off Underlook Trail, but I finally
found it. It has no trail signs. Matter-of-fact, the beginning of the trail is where
the sign points right for Underlook Trail but you have to go left and downward
to be on Haystack Trail.
trail isn’t well maintained (duh, if rangers don’t even know about it!). The
steps that used to be there are shifted and full of rocks and debris. But the view at the end is gorgeous!