We decided to have an adventure by tent camping in Monument Valley.
Within the Navajo Tribal Park, there are a few Airbnb sites within full view of
multiple monuments.Living among the monuments was very special. In the picture is Brigham's Tomb, King on His Throne, Stagecoach, The Bear and Rabbit, Castle Butte, Big Chief, and Sentinel Mesa.
It was quite an adventure! The first night was wonderful. Sunset and
sunrise right outside the tent door was gorgeous.

The biggest adventure was that the wind starting up so that the second night
was something else. We saw a tumbleweed form as a plant called cycloloma
atriplicifolium broke off and rolled across the land.
Winds at night were 25 mph with gusts 43 mph, which the host considers average for
a windstorm. There was no problem with the tent since it was designed for
higher winds and well anchored but that didn’t mean it wasn’t noisy with
everything moving in the wind. We can say we experienced the force of wind
erosion that made these monuments! (Mitchell Butte, Gray Whiskers and Mitchell Mesa shown below.)
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