Friday, September 19, 2014

Back on the Road, Finally!

Yes, we’re back on the road full-time! The last few weeks have been crazy.  We got an offer on the house, had another garage sale, moved things into storage, drove from Florida to Massachusetts to bring David to college, and then returned to finish the sale.

Preparing for full-timing requires time and effort. You have to sort through your “stuff” to see what goes into the RV, what goes into storage, what can be sold, what can be donated, and what just gets thrown away.  You would think that we would have nothing to sell after full-timing a few years ago, but we bought things that doesn’t make sense to store (like a microwave that may or may not fit into the hypothetical new kitchen) and we realized that some of the things we stored the first time we really don’t need. We still ended up storing a lot of ‘stuff’ so that fitting everything into the storage unit was quite a puzzle.

Besides ‘stuff’, we needed to get a forwarding address and change our address on everything. Last minute repairs, purchases and packing takes time.

We decided to start by relaxing at the beach at nearby Fort Pickens (which is a part of Gulf Islands National Seashore) before we started out.  Good thing we did, because the sale of the house was delayed a week.  Don’t ask, it was just a mess!  But swimming on the beach is a wonderful way to forget all the problems.

We’re seen all the forts and batteries before, but they are always interesting.  This is Fort Pickens.

This is a before and after picture for this battery that was manned for World War II.  These guns could shoot 17 miles. They were hidden under hills of sand as camouflage.  Now, the trees hide them even better (if the guns were actually still here).

I like finding the hidden doors behind all the plants even if I did get a bit scratched up.

By the way, my philosophy when RV’ing (or maybe all the time) is that there are no problems, just adventures. When the RV broke down during the last trip, it wasn’t a problem but an adventure in living at a repair shop.  Today I laughed when I opened the RV door and a frog jumped in.  It was an adventure (and all John’s accomplishment in getting it out since I failed completely).

You’re going to see an avalanche of posts. We’ve been off the internet for a couple of weeks.

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