Friday, September 26, 2014

Hungry Mother State Park

After losing power, we had to stop at a place with electrical power to fully charge the batteries. For some reason Hungry Mother State Park is pretty expensive, but they did have power at the campsites. Plus, wifi was available at the campsite, which is unusual for state parks.

The legend is that Molly Marley and her child had escaped after being captured by Indians. They wandered through wilderness eating berries. Molly finally collapsed, but her child followed a creek to find help. The only thing the child could say was “Hungry Mother”. A search party found Molly dead. The mountain is now named “Molly’s Knob” and the stream is “Hungry Mother Creek”.

I did a short hike in the morning. What this picture doesn't show is that you camp under an electric line that buzzes all the time.  Not exactly getting back to nature!

By the way, we are in West Virginia now staying with John's sister Sue. And we're up-to-date (finally!!) on the blog.

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