Saturday, September 20, 2014


We visited T.T. Wentworth before (TTWentworth), but I enjoyed it so much I wanted to see it before leaving Pensacola.  We got to see the cat again (Petrified Cat).  Here’s the shoe from the World’s Tallest Man. I’m not sure if he would still be the World’s Tallest, but that’s the hype.

There was a section on the 50’s and 60’s reaction to the atomic bomb.  This was when everyone was taught to “Duck and Cover”, no matter how worthless it would be if a nuclear bomb actually struck.  One thing I didn’t know was about Mad Magazine. While I considered it a wonderful magazine that was a satire about general politics, apparently it started particularly to lampoon Cold War fears.  The museum said that the title came from the nuclear age acronym for Mutually Assured Destruction. Is that true?

Clouds are gorgeous in Pensacola. The last picture is a rain squall right off the coast, though it does look a big like a mushroom cloud.

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