Sunday, March 8, 2015

RV Invasion!

Obviously, we’re camping every day. So we are surrounded by all sorts of creatures. Recently I woke up to hear rustling in the kitchen area. After turning on a light, I saw a mouse that was around the door and then climbing up to the kitchen counter. I quickly woke John and then jumped on the couch (but I didn’t scream). He tried to get the mouse outside using a broom but this guy was fast. John decided to put out a sticky mouse trap in the area we saw him (yes, we keep some mouse traps around just in case). The mouse was caught later that night and thrown outside so we could take care of in the morning. By morning, though, the mouse was gone from the trap. We’re not sure if he escaped or got eaten by something bigger.

The other problem we’re having is stink bugs. Almost every day we find a big stink bug somewhere inside the RV. But we don’t see them outside the RV so it seems we have eggs that are hatching. The weird thing is that we never see small baby stink bugs. Do stink bugs grow? We tried using a bug bomb, but it didn’t seem to work. We’re trying to figure out our next step. Ideas, anyone?

We’re up-to-date now on the blog. Right now we’re at a RV park in Lake Wales (central Florida). While we came here to get internet, its impossible slow during the day. I've been lining up work during the day and then getting up in the middle of the night to use the internet. Ah....RV life!

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