Tuesday, October 25, 2016


While driving through Alabama, we saw a rocket along the road. This was in Huntsville at their museum.

Near an RV park I saw what they call “mock oranges”. It’s also called “monkey ball” or “horse apple”. The owner mentioned that they are a major problem. They decompose into a sticky mess. I just walked to look at them and my flip flops were covered with the goo along with lots of seeds. These plants are very good at having others transfer their seeds!

I took my morning hike along a lake in Barton Springs Tennessee. Suddenly I saw a head stick out of the water and heard snorting. At first it was far enough away that couldn’t really see it but I knew it was too big a head for a turtle or snake. Finally I realized it was an otter. I know they are small, but they are a bit scary when you hear them snorting directly at you. Instead of a killer rabbit in Monty Python, they should have had a killer otter!

The water level is very low in the lake.

We’ve been south so long I forgot what colored leaves look like in the fall. Plus we actually had to wear long pants instead of shorts!

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