Sunday, March 12, 2017

Roper Lake

On our trip across I-10, we’ve seen several dust storms. This road was closed for dust storms for several days this year but was OK for us as we traveled through.

We had to go back in our blog to make sure, but we visited Roper Lake back in Feb 2012. That time I only show that we camped and enjoyed the hot tub (which is still very nice). This time I did some hiking. It is pretty neat to either hike in shorts or sit in the hot tub while seeing the snow on nearby Mount Graham.

We visited Discovery Park. It’s a small museum but it had several nice displays including a movie about making the honeycomb mirror for the observatory on Mount Graham. It is a Large Binocular Telescope and seems to be the 6th largest in the world. There is a ride/movie about traveling the solar system. The world largest camera obscura is here. Basically it’s a pinhole camera that puts an upside down image of the outside mountain on a screen. The cool part was the burn marks on the wall and floor when they left the lens open too long!

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