Monday, October 19, 2020

Big and Little Talbot State Parks

Between the coronavirus, lots of rain, high temperature, and high humidity, we’ve not done much traveling. The temperatures finally dropped below 90s a few weeks ago but rain forecasts and other plans kept us from traveling. I was all excited that on Monday no rain was forecast. There were high tides and a bit of wind forecast, but that didn’t seem to be an issue.

Turns out, that does mean something if you are visiting Big Talbot State Park. The winds meant sand blasting in the face a few times. The high tide meant we couldn’t go as far down the beach as we hoped. 

Big Talbot has several hiking trails. The tall oaks curve away from the beach. We’re assuming it is quite frequently windy.

The wind blew foam onto the beach.

It is mostly known for the “boneyard” where oak “skeletons” line the beach. Pretty cool!

These trees can be big!

The boneyard is worth another trip. Next time we’ll check the forecast a bit more!

Note: The nearby Little Talbot State Park was partially closed due to storm damage so we skipped it for now. 

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