Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Weird of Gainesville

Of course, being who I am, I had to do more weird things. An unexpected event was when I was walking home with a couple people from dinner. This young man ran up and started picking loquats from a tree. He gave us samples (very good and juicy) along with a lecture on the loquat tree. Very unexpected.

Every morning I took a hike. The stated purpose was to geocache (and I found quite a few), but mostly it was to just walk. One morning was to Depot Park. The building is a science museum.

The final morning I did a longer hike of 6 miles total to the University of Florida. This is the 10-ton chert Turlington Rock (that is Turlington hall in the background). It’s common name is the Turlington Turd!

Statues at the stadium.

And the bat houses!

After John picked me up, we drove out to Cellon Oak Park. The Cellon Oak is the co-champion (largest) live oak in Florida. It was definitely big!

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