Thought I'd include a couple definitions and details. We had a friend ask how to add comments. As far as I can tell, you need to set up a profile in an account like Google. Go to then click "Sign In" near the top on the right. This gives you an option at the top right to sign up for a new account. You might also need to be a Follower of the blog, but I'm not sure about that one. Sorry about this, but since the blog is free I can't complain. At least signing up with Google doesn't seem to mean more spam.
I'll use a few RV terms in this blog.
Full-timers are people like us that don't have a permanent home anymore and live exclusively in an RV. Supposedly there are one million full-timers in the U.S., but no one seems to know where that number came from.
Toads are the vehicle you pull behind your mobile home. This makes it easier to sight see in the area. Some people have scooters or motorcycles, most, like us, pull a small car.
Boondocking is camping for free and normally without any electrical or water hookups. Generally this mean camping away from everyone in places like national forests. Blacktop boondocking is a subset of the this. You can stay at many Walmart parking lots, truck stops, or rest areas.

On to our trip...we are staying near Memphis for a couple of days. The RV park is situated right on the Mississippi so watching barges go by is a relaxing activity. It's an interesting park. Apparently it was under several feet of water earlier this year. Since it floods so often they have things like bathrooms on wheels that they remove during floods.
We drove our toad into Memphis. We drove past Graceland, since neither of us had a burning desire to take the tour. Instead we went to Sun Studio. This is the place that discovered Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, and Jerry Lee Lewis. Interesting tour! Besides doing some errands like groceries, we also had barbecue while we were in Memphis.