Sunday, April 29, 2012

Flight Stories

I fly out of the nearest airport for the consulting work that I’m doing.  This time I flew out of Flagstaff.  I didn’t really research the airport, but John mentioned it looked small on google.  It turns out that it has one gate and one airline, though it did have 8 flights on Monday.  It’s so small the guys running the counter are busy helping the arrivals being processed, so the desk is only open certain times.  Then, security is only open a certain time before a flight.  The restrooms (one set) are outside of security so you don’t want to wait a long time at the gate anyhow.  They say that instead of the 2-hour rule for being at the airport before flight it's more like a 15 minute rule!

I’ve been at a smaller airport in Mexico.  It had one incoming and one outgoing flight a day.  The people came in to help process us for that one flight. then went home  So, this is relatively a large airport, but it’s weird.

Oh, and it was a propeller plane.  Haven't been on one of those for awhile!

We'll be back on the road tomorrow. 

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