Saturday, January 17, 2015

Navy SEAL Museum

This was a pretty cool museum giving the history of the Navy SEALs. The SEALs began here in Fort Pierce, Florida during World War II. Exhibits covered various wars along with different special missions. Some of the coolest was the lifeboat where Captain Phillips was held hostage by Somali pirates and later saved by Navy SEALs.

Way back in 2000, the TV show Survivor started. The oldest competitor was 72 year old Rudy Boesch who ended up in 3rd place. He was a legend in the SEALS with 45 years’ service. His uniform was displayed with plenty of medals and with each bar on the sleeve standing for 4 years’ service.

Another fairly recent mission highlighted was SEAL Team Six’s attack on Osama bin Laden’s compound. The model was donated by CBS 60 Minutes.

Outdoor displays included different boats used over the years. My personal favorite was the obstacle course. No, I am not ready to sign up, but I had fun!

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