Friday, May 20, 2016

Bugs and Creatures

The bugs are terrible right now. North Florida is full of yellow flies. If you haven’t seen these flies, you are VERY lucky. They are the size of house flies but yellow and they bite! Between yellow flies and mosquitoes, my legs are covered with bites. John is more allergic to bites and his bites swell up. Hopefully soon we’ll either be out of the area for these bugs or past the season.

The neighbors at one of the campgrounds had a pet potbelly pig. Apparently you can’t put a leash on it, so it wandered around the sites. Kinda bizarre seeing a pig at your campsite. This is not a pet I would want…especially while camping. Oh, well. Everyone is different.
Every park seems to be different on what creatures you might see. At Ocean Pond it’s all about squirrels. At one point we counted 17 squirrels in sight.

At Crooked River State Park in Georgia, it is all about gopher tortoises. I’ve looked for these at other parks but never saw them. We saw 3 on a short bike ride along with seeing them at the campsite.

We also saw several armadillos at recent campsites. It was harder to take pictures of these. Either it was dark outside (and there is nothing better than hearing rustling leaves right outside the window in the dark!) or they hide in the brush.

Recently we’ve had some heavy rains. In a house, you hear rain but in an RV you really experience the rain. It is extremely noisy in our RV. We’ve tried to watch TV during a rain, but even with the volume all the way up it’s difficult to hear.

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