Sunday, May 28, 2017

Eastern Lubber Grasshopper

Every area and time seems to have a different bug. We don’t like lovebugs given the cleaning required . Some of the no-see-ums and other mosquitoes are painful and frustrating. Eastern Lubber Grasshoppers are just gross. Apparently these show up in February as small grasshoppers. By now they are huge! They eat the plants they like to the ground if you don’t kill them. I guess these bugs are poisonous so birds don’t eat them and insecticide doesn’t kill them. You have to drown them in a bucket of soapy water when they are small. If you wait until this size you need to either smash them or cut off their heads with clippers. Can’t tell you how gross this is!

OK, this is weird that I’m commenting on this…but I was geocaching in a nearby development. Some roads were fine and some were terrible. This one had been recently done but was done so poorly that grass grew right up through it. How could you do a road like this?!

Bizarre tree growth. Even with the right angle growth it is still alive.

Misty morning picture. The buzzing of the electric lines with this mist was fairly loud.

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