Monday, May 8, 2017

Okefenokee Swamp Fire

Florida has several large wildfires occurring around the state, but none have affected us yet. You’ve probably heard about a big fire in southern Georgia. It’s been going for a month and is spreading requiring evacuations in a town nearby. This morning we woke up to smoke in the woods surrounding us and a smell of smoke. There is no danger. The fire is actually ~100 miles from us. But I was shocked that the smoke is affecting such a large area.

At the same time, our camp host accidentally ran over a water connection at one of the camp sites. It meant they had to turn off the water to two loops of campsites to make repairs. Not a big deal since we have a water tank, but just one of those things that happens every once in a while.

Just for the fun of it, a big dead tree seen on a walk!

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