high school class had their (mumble, mumble)th
reunion. That gave me an excuse to travel to Ohio to see them on Friday
night and see college friends on Saturday/Sunday. Our group was small on Friday
but that gave us more of a chance to really talk. We actually talked long enough to close the bar at
midnight. We haven’t done that in a LONG time.
and Doreen and I used to get together every year to discuss the meaning of life
(still searching for it). It’s been too long! We visited COSI in Columbus and
played more than many of the kids.
dragged them to a pet cemetery that was close to our hotel. They say that it was started back in the 1920’s. The stones were randomly spread out and not well maintained.
Fascinating names
and inscriptions.
of the jokes was that across the street from the pet cemetery was ARFF parking (Aircraft
Rescue & Fire Fighting) for the Columbus airport.
also visited a large rose garden in town.

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