Tuesday, July 23, 2019


I was able to spend a few days in Pittsburgh. The bad part was that it was part of the heat wave…so 90+ F temperatures and high humidity. The good part was the things I visited.

I went to a baseball game. I’m not a big baseball fan. I spent more of my time eating and drinking in the suite, but it was fun!

Interesting part was that they were honoring the players on the 1979 World Series winning Pittsburg team. When I was at the airport leaving the next day, I happened to start talking to a guy that was one of those players. He had 22 family members with him to attend the game. We talked quite a while about how life as a baseball player is very different from back then. Pay was very much lower (<$20,000/yr vs >$400,000/yr). If you were hurt back then, you couldn’t take time off or they would replace you with a minor league player. So you had to play 5 days a week no matter how hurt you were. Pay was so bad that you had to play in the off-season at a place like Puerto Rico. The problem is that you never really had time to relax. Today’s players are eating healthy, working out, and have trainers to help them. Back then it was play a game and then go out drinking and to party. If you didn’t go with the rest of the guys, you weren’t really part of the team. A different time!
We went to a restaurant on Mount Washington. Great view of the Allegheny, Monongahela and the Ohio Rivers plus downtown from Point of View Park. This pictures includes Fort Pitt, Point State Park Fountain, Heinz Field, and some cool bridges!

This is a sculpture of George Washington and Seneca Guyasuta. They met when they were young and Guyasuta guided Washington through Pennsylvania.

And, I still love Mjolnir signed by Chris Hemsworth!

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