Monday, August 15, 2016

Quick Stops

We did some fairly short stops at a couple of state parks. Tippecanoe River State Park in Indiana was nice. We didn’t go to the area (about an hour away) where William Henry Harrison fought and given the nickname of Tippecanoe. When he ran for president of the U.S. along with John Tyler as VP, they used the famous slogan “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too”.

Biggest challenge here was climbing the fire tower. I made it up and down OK (though the high REALLY scared me). Afterward we heard that the park manager ran up and down these 10 times a day to keep in shape for firefighting out west. Dang!

Salt Fork State Park in Ohio had an interesting trail. The picture shows the trailhead “14 year old who fell to her death from the top of Hosak’s cave.” Nothing like a memorial like this to make one more watchful.

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