Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Trip to Pittsburgh

I took a quick semi-business-related trip to Pittsburgh. Most of the time was spent in meetings. But I was excited to see this in the office. It’s a movie prop from one of the Thor movies that Chris Hemsworth actually signed (not that I love Chris or anything)!

We got to ride a ducky tour. The bad part was that we couldn’t go on the amphibious part since the river was running fast from a recent rain. The most fun is when we all quack together to entertain the kids (and adults) along the streets. Along with corny jokes and interesting stories, we saw all kinds of things in Pittsburgh like the statue of Honus Wagner in front of the stadium. Pretty sure I’m not related, but who knows?

I liked the details of the architecture on the old buildings.
Near the restaurant was this Bessemer furnace. Given that it was a metals group, this was appropriate.

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