Thursday, May 31, 2012

Water Details

Living in an RV is different from a house in many ways.  One is the bathroom.  I’m not going into all the details but some things I had to learn. Besides the obvious small size of the room, other things are different. 

-       The toilet paper is a special type so it decomposes quickly.  At Walmart you have to go to the RV section of the store to buy it, not the toilet paper aisle.  It’s not bad but it’s definitely not thick Charmin.

-       Flushing means stepping on a lever beside the toilet.  If you need to add water you lift the lever up with your foot.

-       The smell isn’t bad.  Every time you dump the tank you add a little bit of a chemical.

-       Toilets are made of plastic.  A heavy ceramic toilet would be too much weight for an RV.

-       You have to dump the tank every 2-7 days.  There is both a gray tank (shower and sink water) and a black tank (toilet). 

-       Taking a shower is quick.  The gray tank isn’t that big.  If you ran water constantly it would fill up pretty fast.  So a navy shower is better.  Wet down, turn off the water, soap up, and then rinse.  Plus, there is little room to turn around.

-       Using the RV park shower is much more relaxing!

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