Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Environment and RV'ing

As we’ve traveled, we’ve seen things we wouldn’t have seen at home that affect the environment for good or bad. 

Arkansas isn’t very windy so I had no idea how many wind turbines have been installed in areas across the country.  From small turbines in the back of someone’s yard to hundreds of turbines in wind farms, they are showing up where ever the wind is steady enough to make business sense.  You may not agree, but I think Obama did something good with supporting alternative energy. Payback for wind turbines can be 5 years or less in places with good steady winds.  That’s not bad, but having tax deductions or credits help fund this sort of work.

Water is plentiful in Arkansas.  It sure isn’t in the Southwest.  We’ve reached the point where we are surprised to see water in a riverbed.  I’m also surprised how much of our farms are surviving due to irrigation.  Irrigation is good to have a healthy crop but are we planting in areas where we will be (or already are) fighting over water?

Our family has always tried to recycle.  It’s simple in a home.  We separated out what was recyclable then took it in to a center every few weeks.  Not a hassle at all.  Recycling in an RV is different.  Most RV parks don’t have recycle bins.  We certainly have little room to keep aluminum cans until we find a place, especially if the cans draw flies.  Hopefully RV parks and campgrounds improve on this over time.

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