Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Spoiled by desert walks

As I’ve mentioned several times, I like to take morning walks. Over the last few months I’ve taken some wonderful walks in environments I’d rarely walked in before.  Most were desert or mountainous.  These areas might have lizards or snakes, but few bugs.  Now we’re in Missouri. The woods are similar to areas I’ve walked in for years.  But it feels “itchy” now.  For instance, this pathway looks wonderful but in reality it is full of spider webs and ticks. Then I found a neat little pool in the trees surrounded by rocks, but it was full of mosquitoes. 

OK, I’ll get used to it again but it may take a while.  The nice part of the walk was hearing squirrels jumping around in the brush, seeing a deer run into the woods, and finding a turtle along the path.

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