Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas in an RV

I’m not sure how Santa found us, but he still came to our RV.  We had a Christmas tree (well, a green curtain that we have separating sections) plus ornaments (earlier stored away in a small box) along with some Christmas cards we received (thanks!). 

This year our gifts were small and things we can use in the RV.  By the way, no Christmas cards or the traditional Belt Bulletin this year. Our blog is substituting for the Christmas letter.

The day before Christmas was cold and rainy so no caroling but it was perfect for sitting in our comfy RV watching movies.  For lunch today, we are joining the RV park for dinner.  The park is supplying turkey, while the rest of the meal is pot luck.  Not a bad holiday.

Our best wishes to you all.  Hope your holidays are relaxing yet exciting!

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