Friday, December 23, 2011

Interesting People

We met some fascinating people in San Antonio.  As we were walking down the streets of San Antonio, a woman walks up and in a querulous voice asks if we could give her a quarter since she was homeless.  She seemed like she was ready to cry.  I said no and kept walking on.  Suddenly we hear behind us in a strong voice, “F___ing b_tch.”   Yep, that’s the way to get people to give money to you!

At the Alamo, we saw an older man standing in the square talking away about how he found Jesus.  No one was near, but he kept on talking.  

As we got to the entrance to the Alamo, they stopped us to take a picture.  I’m thinking, what is this for…security?  Then they tell us we can pick up a copy inside for a fee.  OK, I expect this on a cruise or when riding a roller coaster, but they talk about this being a shrine and you’re hawking pictures? 

A good thing was when we heard a small group singing Christmas carols in front of a Christmas tree at the Alamo.  We also saw a mariachi band performing along Riverwalk.  Very cool!

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