Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year from San Antonio

New Years in San Antonio is amazing!  Here at the RV park they had a great party including champagne, drawings for prizes, dancing, party hats, and noise makers.  I had a great time fast dancing with the 'girls' while John and I slowed danced for the first time in years.

But the most amazing part was the fireworks in the city.  Texas hasn't had fireworks for the last 3 years (I think that's right) due to the drought.  With the recent rains, they lifted the ban.  However, it is still the law not to set off fireworks within San Antonio city limits.  Well, I have never heard this much fireworks continuously ever.  It started before dark and is still going after midnight (7+ hours).   It's 1 am and going strong.  I haven't seen any evidence of fireworks being set off in the RV park, but the whole area is smoky from neighborhood fireworks since around 10 pm.  I mean really smoky.  At midnight it was extremely loud with fireworks all around the area.

We heard that fireworks are big all over Texas.  I guess Texas churches sell fireworks as a money maker.  Fireworks can be seen on the 4th of July in Ohio, but nothing like this and very little for the new year.


Hope you all have a wonderful new year!!!

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