Saturday, February 11, 2012

More flying stories

Story 1:
I'm sitting at the gate.  After hearing all types of boring announcements I hear"Jim Black.  Please come back.  Please claim your property at security.  Passenger Jim Black.  Please, oh please come security to claim your property."  I burst into laughter over the rhyme and realize that everyone is looking at me.  They notice me laughing but didn't hear the announcement?

Story 2:
I went to the restroom.  Inside one of the other stalls I hear a lady talking.  After a bit I realize that she's talking on the phone.  When did it become acceptable to go to the bathroom, flush the toilet, and then wash your hands while talking on the phone?

Story 3:
I get off the plane and waited for the cart to bring the luggage that I had checked at planeside.  I ran over and quickly scanned the sides of the cart and then go to the opposite side to see if I can find my luggage there.  After about 3 rounds around the cart, I stepped back in fear and wondering where my luggage had gone.  Most of the luggage had already been taken and mine just wasn't there!

I looked up and saw a third level to the cart above my head (5').  There sat my luggage.

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