Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Big Bend National Park

We’re staying at Big Bend for five days. This park has been on our list for several years but you have to decide to go there, it’s not on the way to anything. The stars are amazing. I wish the park were more aggressive in this though. Lights were on for the laundry room all night that could have been on a motion sensor. Also, several RV’ers left their lights on. Perhaps a reminder to keep lights off at night? Even with that, I could see things like Jupiter, M42 nebula in Orion, the Milky Way, and several meteors.

The people are extremely friendly. Maybe it’s because so few people come here and when you do, you stay awhile. We’ve had many long conversations with people in the campground and with people on the trails. You end up seeing the same people on different trails so you give and get advice on the best things to do. We’ve met people from all parts of the U.S., Netherlands, Germany, Israel, and Canada.

Five days is really the minimum anyone should do in this park. The park is so big it takes over 1.5 hours to get from one end to the other on the roads. We found out there’s a school here just for employees kids. It has 80 kids from kindergarten to 8th grade with 4 teachers. The one word that really describes Big Bend is “big”!

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