Saturday, November 1, 2014

Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge - Hikes

Picture hiking on orange granite hills with prairie grass and cactus surrounding you. Our first hike from our campground was rather exciting for me. I’m scared of heights. The trail is to the top of a small hill (Little Baldy), but it involves climbing up rocks and trying to stand up in the strong wind. Actually, trail may be too strong of a word. It’s more like hints of the way. But since the end is pretty apparent, it is still a fun hike.

We drove to the top of Mount Scott and did several hikes to lakes, like this one.

While I was scared when hiking up a rather small hill, I had no problem (until the top rocks) climbing the larger Elk Mountain. It was still windy and cool, but otherwise a beautiful day for hiking. We were alone on Little Baldy, but we saw several groups of hikers including a college class on this hike.


Just a comment…these places are pretty cut off from everything. We saw one guy standing on his picnic table trying to get cell phone service (unsuccessfully). After we left the refuge, John got a voice mail that had been there for a day. That’s one of the things I like about traveling!

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