Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Business Trip and Flying

I forgot how much I love flying.  As we're loading the plane, they made an announcement that there was a mechanical problem.  So, we all go back to the gate.  After awhile, the pilot comes out and tells us that basically they're not sure if they can fix it.  Soon, we're told we need to go to another gate.  Once there the guy at the desk announces that he doesn't know anything and no one told him we were coming to this gate and don't ask him when we're leaving. 

Actually, he said this in a very entertaining way.  We were laughing by the end of it.  Plus, I ended up speaking to a couple of people on the plane who went to college at Ohio Northern at the same time as I did.  I knew one of them somewhat and knew the other's father who was a professor.  It's always a good time reminiscing about classes, college life, and bars.

After 1-1/2 hours, we finally were on our way.  The fun of flying!

One other quick story...I brought my GPS with me.  As I'm driving, the GPS mount fell off the window.  I finished my drive to the hotel hearing the voice of the GPS lady coming from the floor,  Rather cool.

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