Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sneaking into warmer land

Last night we had around 3" of snow.  Not an issue when you have a good car or truck and live in a home.  It's more difficult when you are driving an RV, pulling a car, and live in an RV.  Our RV is definitely not designed for cold weather.  Last night we used towels and blankets to cover door and windows to reduce heat loss.  Nothing froze, but it never got warm. 

This morning we woke up to melting snow.  That meant mud.  Oh well...we've moving west and should be leaving Texas soon.

BTW, I accidentally washed John's cell phone in the laundry a few days ago.  We tried the methods online to save a wet cell phone but after a wash cycle it was long gone.  Luckily there was a cell phone store in the next town.  However, all the phone numbers were lost.  If you have John's number, give him a call sometime so he can build up his numbers again.

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