Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm back!

The first part of the week was a short business trip.  But that still leaves the end of the week to sight see. 

We visited the nearby town of Tubac.  It's been an artists colony for over 50 years.  Walking down the streets is like walking through an art gallery.  There was a great store selling some gorgeous rocks.  Other stores had lots of outdoor art that you could put in your garden at home (if you have a home that isn't an RV).  These flowers don't have to be watered and look great all year round.

And, who doesn't need a mariachi band or a javelina (something similar to wild pig) in your yard?

The prices are just great.  This one was only $186,400.  If anyone wants it, you can send the money to us and we'll buy it for you!

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